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Your independent marketing specialist.

I’m Leonie Waldron. I run Chameleon Marketing and I’m here to help you grow your business.

I specialise in helping industrial, manufacturing and construction companies share their expertise, reach more customers, and generate more sales.

Meet Leonie, your freelance marketing expert.

“Hi! 👋 I’ve been helping industrial, manufacturing and construction businesses with their marketing since 1999.

I’ve worked in-house for safety eyewear manufacturers, industrial safety suppliers, worksite consumables companies, hose reel designers and HVAC businesses, often juggling everything as a one-person marketing ‘team’. 

Being responsible for all aspects of marketing means I’ve learnt loads along the way about how to influence customer behaviour and build trust with great content that really connects with your customers.”

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You need a plan:

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Get fresh perspectives, critical thinking, and down to earth advice. I can help clarify your direction and set up an actionable marketing strategy, so you can finally get your marketing sorted (and look good in front of your boss). I promise you’ll only get no-fluff advice. 

You need to execute your plan:

Got your goals in sight, but need someone to get stuck in and get things done? I can help add structure and consistency to your marketing efforts and make sure the plan gets actioned. No Big Agency Energy here. You deal directly with the person doing the work.


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I’m a ‘Swiss army knife’ marketer, confidently able to look after your copywriting, graphic design,  website management, emails, socials, SEO and more. Stretch your budget further with an experienced generalist that can cover 99% of the tasks on your to-do list.
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Businesses like yours are doing amazing things every day. They’re driving Australia’s economy forward and helping their customers save time and money. 

But… they’re so busy producing, engineering, fixing, inventing or shipping things that they don’t have the resources to pause and tell their audience how awesome they are.

The world needs to know about the good things you’re doing. 

That’s why I started Chameleon Marketing Collective in 2020: to support under-resourced B2B companies with a flexible marketing service (at a fraction of the cost of a full-time marketing employee). 

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  • You sell a complex, highly engineered product, often with a long buying cycle.
  • You have skilled engineers and great salespeople working in your business, but you struggle to convey this expertise to potential customers.
  • Your internal team is strapped for time, but you don’t have the budget for a full-time marketing employee.
  • You’ve talked to marketing agencies in the past, but they’ve tried to baffle you with bullshit (and you feel like you’re being talked into something you don’t need).
  • Your customers aren’t interested in trendy marketing fads. They just want good, solid information to help them make the right decision.

“From just one briefing, Leonie was able to distil a clear objective from a mess of passionate, well-meaning colleagues, and then articulate that objective in a way that made perfect sense to everybody.”

Brett Meads
Director of Training, SuperSchool

“As a direct result of Leonie’s work, we moved into position 1 or 2 across 90% of our target keywords and monthly website users have more than doubled since she started working for us.”

Louis McCorkell
Marketing Manager, Jaybro

"We approached Leonie as our content writing was ad-hoc and lacking cut-through. Leonie is super diligent, efficient and produces very meaningful articles for us without needing significant input from our team."

Josh Wiggins
General Manager, Steelcorp

"Previously, blog writing was a constant stress when trying to think of and write quality content. Leonie is always so on point with everything that she writes – anyone would think that she has worked in a registered training organisation for years!"

Jemma Middleton
Sales Manager, Kallibr Training

Get consistent, sustainable results. More web traffic, improved Google rankings, better quality enquiries… and more sales!

Heavy duty sewing machines
Refrigeration compressors
High risk work training
Commercial steel structures
HVAC&R products and services
Fibre reinforced concrete
Mining drill parts
woodland lifestyle
Laminate flooring products
Concrete oxide
Synthetic surfaces
Auto paint supplies
Maintenance software
Preferred Turf
Commercial synthetic turf
Air conditioning compressors
Rural sheds
Fire rated doors & windows
Cleaning chemicals
Plumbing supplies
teralba industries
Heat exchangers
Transmission & distribution supplies
Industrial energy storage
Doors, windows & showerscreens
Carports and covers